Alan Shore - Adlai Stevenson

When the "Weapons of Mass-Destruction" thing turned out not to be true, I expected the American People to rise up.... but …. they didn't. Then, when the Abu Ghraib torture thing surfaced, and it was revealed that our government participated in "rendition"; a practice where we kidnap people and turn them over to regimes who … Continue reading

Jon Krakauer - Rape

“It was actually pretty common for women not to scream or call the cops in rape cases I prosecuted,” Roe said, “at least partly because women aren’t wired to react that way. We are socialized to be likeable and not to create friction. We are brought up to be nice. Women are supposed to resolve … Continue reading

Boston Legal - Denny Crane - Defense Attorneys

Denny: (Closing Argument) Who the hell are we kidding? Defense Attorneys make their living helping their clients get away with murder. We put rapists back on the streets knowing they're gonna rape again. Let's not pretend that we don't aid and abet crime. But the key is: Make sure we cover our asses. Defense attorneys … Continue reading

Ha-Joon Chang - Free Market

“So, when free-market economists say that a certain regulation should not be introduced because it would restrict the ‘freedom’ of a certain market, they are merely expressing a political opinion that they reject the rights that are to be defended by the proposed law. Their ideological cloak is to pretend that their politics is not … Continue reading