About Me

This is equal parts a simple and complex question… You live with you so you know you and therein lies the problem. We’re not exactly the best judges of our own character not to mention the fact that knowing ourselves we know all our BS… So there’s that 🙂

Here are a few ways I’ve described myself in the past:

At Potentash.com where I was a writer:  Writer. Filmmaker. Lover of life, words and rational thinking #Activism.

On Facebook: Anarchist

On Twitter: Socialist. Anarchist. Activist. Filmmaker. Blogger. Community organizer.

Full disclosure, I like the Twitter description best.

Perhaps the only thing I can add is that I love reading and I hate being enclosed so basically my biggest worry whenever I participate in protests is that I’ll be arrested, potentially incarcerated then not only will I be stuck in some cell but I’ll also not be able to read. I shudder at the thought.

I love writing and just the process of formulating and articulating my thoughts in that way. Usually its essays and film scripts. The big dream for me is to write amazing stories and to be a phenomenal community organizer championing causes that transform people’s lives and doing it in community.

Here are links to a few articles I’ve had published:

It’s Complicated, My Thoughts on Philanthropy

A Critique of Entrepreneurship

How to Join the Illuminati in Kenya, Top Google Searches and Other Existential Concerns

Let’s Talk About Sex and Language

Lessons from Surviving R. Kelly

In Defense of Romance Stories


I run Organize Kenya through which I hope to build my community organizing skills. This year, we’re running four major projects:

1. A book drive to collect book donations for high school students from poor communities. The project will run through January 2020.

2. The food waste project to pressure the government to compel businesses to donate excess food rather than discarding it in a country in which 1 in 3 Kenyans are food insecure.

3. The Labour Project to compel the government to revise the labour laws to limit workers to a 5-day workweek in place of the current 6-day workweek which is inhumane not to mention inexcusable when the rest of the world is considering a 4-day workweek.

4. The Nyayo Book Club which is about establishing a local book club to read dense anarchist and Marxist text/literature and discuss.

I believe that the future we want can be grasped through community organizing and struggle. I live by Antonio Gramsci maxim, “Pessimism of the Intellect, Optimism of the will and Chris Hedges assertion that we don’t fight fascists because we will win but we fight fascists because they are fascists. I fight because of the person it allows me to be. I love the person the struggle against injustice and for an egalitarian society makes me.

Still, we rise.



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